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Jeffrey MacMillan, Photographer, Tells His Story

Photo Credit: Seth MacMillan

Increasingly I find myself moved by music, as I barrel along. For many years I have been a professional photographer. Not surprisingly these two roads had to cross. 

Matt Munisteri, The Ear Regulars. NYC, 2016

I just happen to like a style of music that isn’t fueled by sales. Yesterday’s music from long ago, the 30’s and the 40’s, it hits some hidden dusty chord in me. Gypsy jazz, and Swing. The complexity and the energy pull me in.  Musically transported to another era. From a time when talents like Django, Charlie Christian, Duke Ellington glamorously played to large audiences and traveled constantly due to demand for their artistry.

Renaud Crois. Django in June, Northamption, MA, 2016

I am in awe of the musicians who keep this music alive. Truly a labor of love. They are completely inspiring. Their skills at playing these charts, acquired from years of practicing their trade, are completely disproportionate to what they are paid for gigs these days -- if they’re paid.

Rick Olivarez, Arlington, VA, 2017

These photos are a humble quixotic attempt to honor these woefully under-appreciated musical talents. Trying, usually unsuccessfully, to convey more than a simple visual description of them. When successful, some of the emotion/joy they convey on stage is transmitted two-dimensionally.

Jeanine Greene, Djangolaya. Rockville, MD, 2016

Please support live music. Whatever your taste in music is. Wherever it transports you …. Buy the artists’ CDs. If we don’t support them, who will? 

Thanks, so much, for stopping by… Jeffrey

Djangolaya. Washington DC, 2015

This is Week 20 of 52 Artists in 52 Weeks. Thank you for reading and sharing Jeffrey’s story today. To connect with him and see more of his work, please visit the following links:

Evan Christopher, The Ear Regulars, NYC, 2016

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